Out and inpatient treatment of all kinds of neurological disorders including headache, backpain, epilepsy, paralysis and movement disorders.

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder that interferes with the functioning of the central nervous system. Here, the immune system of the patients starts attacking the myelin, a protective sheath around the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. 

It causes inflammation and alters the nerve signal pathways between the brain and other body parts. 

“Multiple sclerosis” refers to “scar tissue in multiple areas.” When myelin sheath gets attacked in various regions, it forms scar or sclerosis. They are also known as plaques or lesions that may affect the brain stem, cerebellum, spinal cord, optic nerve, and white matter in the brain.

Scientists are not sure about the root cause of MS, so it is not yet completely curable. With the right treatment, its symptoms can be relieved and progression can be slowed.

Multiple Sclerosis Treatment in Udaipur

Types of Multiple Sclerosis

There are four types of MS that you must know about:

1. Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS):

People experiencing the first episode of multiple sclerosis symptoms are considered CIS patients. Such neurological symptoms might last for at least 24 hours. It could be an early sign of developing multiple sclerosis if the MRI scan shows multiple lesions in the brain or spinal cord. Not everyone experiencing CIS further develops MS.

With disease-modifying drugs, the chances of further development of MS symptoms can also be delayed.

2. Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS):

RRMS is the most common form of multiple sclerosis, where the neurological symptoms arise for a few hours to days. Patients with RRMS have flare-ups, which could exacerbate the symptoms, known as relapse. It is followed by remission, in which symptoms could last for weeks and then start disappearing partially or completely with treatment.

3. Primary Progressive MS (PPMS):

People diagnosed with PPMS do not experience any relapse or remissions. Their symptoms go on to worsen progressively. In some cases, patients have a stability period, then symptoms start worsening, and then get better. People with PPMS complain about changes in mobility while walking and stiffness in lower limbs.

4. Secondary Progressive MS (SPMS):

If after being diagnosed with RRMS, symptoms flare up but continue to damage the nerves, then it is called SPMS. No remission episode occurs in patients with SPMS.

Risk Factors Associated with Multiple Sclerosis

Though the causes of MS are still unknown, some of its related risk factors are as follows:


It is not restricted to a certain age group. But mostly it’s onset occurs between 20 to 40 years of age. Both younger and older people can develop symptoms of MS.


Smokers develop more lesions than non-smokers. It makes them vulnerable to developing or flaring up the symptoms of MS.


Both men and women could develop its symptoms. The chances of women experiencing RRMS are two times more than men.

Vitamin D

Less exposure to sunlight cause low levels of vitamin D, which affects the proper functioning of the immune system. It further enhances the risks of MS.


Exposure to some viral infection could also be responsible for aggravating symptoms of MS. It includes Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), (HHV6), and Mycoplasma pneumonia.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The body requires vitamin B to form myelin. A lower concentration of this vitamin increases the risk of developing MS.

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

People have unique experiences with MS, but a few symptoms are common among its patients. Consult the best neurologist in Udaipur to get proper treatment for its early symptoms like:

Muscle weakness

Fatigue & Dizziness


Tingling sensation

Lack of coordination

Unsteady gait

Neuropathic Pain

Lhermitte sign

Muscle spasm

Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

No specific test can confirm the presence of MS, thus, consulting an experienced neuro-physician in Udaipur is recommended. Other disorders could also have similar symptoms, so experts carry out various physical and neurological tests.

  1. In the physical examination, the patient’s medical history, symptoms, etc., are considered.
  2. Neurological examination includes MRI scans of the brain and spinal cord to assess the presence of lesions.
  3. An evoked potential test is also considered to measure electrical activity in response to stimuli.
  4. Spinal fluid analysis is practiced to identify antibodies revealing previous infections. 
  5. A spinal tap (lumbar puncture) might also be required.
Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in udaipur

Get the Best Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis in Udaipur

Proper diagnosis and treatment are inevitable to relieve the symptoms of chronic multiple sclerosis. Dr. Tarun Mathur is the best neurologist with an experience of several years to help patients with MS.  If you are wondering how to choose the Best Neurologist In Udaipur? Here Are 5 Tips To Choose One

If you’re experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, Book Your Appointment Now.