An autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks mistakenly your healthy cells and damages the fatty material called Myelin is known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Myelin protects and insulates nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. Any damage to the myelin interrupts nerve signals to other parts of the body from the brain, which affects the brain, spinal cord, and eyes. In Multiple Sclerosis, the nerves become exposed and scarred, as well as the connection between the brain and other body parts is disrupted. This is a form of demyelination. 

In the first episode, not everyone who has Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) develops multiple sclerosis. The most common form is Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, where the symptoms stabilize. In Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS), the symptoms gradually worsen and there are no relapses during this phase. Some people with RRMS progress to Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS), but some people experience relapses. However, Multiple Sclerosis is commonly seen in women more than men, and it is mostly diagnosed between the ages of 20 to 40. 

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis has many symptoms, and different people experience different symptoms. This is because the symptoms can be a one-off occurrence or may vary in severity. Also, it depends on which nerve is affected, some can’t be felt. On the other hand, the most common symptoms are:

  1. Vision problem
  2. Muscle weakness
  3. Numbness in legs or arms
  4. Loss of balance
  5. Exhaustion/tiredness
  6. Changes in stride/walk

The symptoms in severe conditions include sexual difficulties, memory problems, bladder control, and walking difficulties (a person may need to walk using a walker, stick, or wheelchair).

Diagnoses of Multiple Sclerosis

As Multiple Sclerosis is related to nerves, in this case, people must consult a neurologist – Dr Tarun Mathur who is the best Neurologist in Udaipur know how to deal with people whose brain and spinal cord are affected. Know about him here

There is no one test for diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis. You may get diagnosed through a physical exam, blood tests, and MRI. This helps to find out the areas of damage to the myelin, and a spinal tap may be done. The Neuro specialist in Udaipur may recommend an Evoked Potentials test if the test result does not seem to be clear. 

Know more about the symptoms and causes about Multiple Sclerosis in detail through this blog

Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis

As Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease, its treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms, phases, and progression. The treatment plan includes:

  1. DMTs (Disease-Modifying Therapies): Medications that help to reduce relapses or attacks, slow down the disease’s growth, as well as prevent new lesions from forming.
  2. Relapse Management Medications: A high dose of corticosteroids may be recommended by your neurologist in case of a severe attack.
  3. Physical Rehabilitation: To maintain your mobility, physical fitness will be beneficial, as MS may affect your physical function.
  4. Mental Health Counseling:  MS may affect your mood and memory. To manage your emotional challenges a Neuropsychologist or other emotional support can help.

Although with the help of Neurological Physiotherapy you can reduce your attacks.  Therefore, you still need to focus on your healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, managing stress, not smoking, and limiting alcohol intake.

Looking for a treatment? Visit here to know about the disease in detail and book your consultation with an expert


Why Consult Neurologist in Udaipur?

When you experience symptoms such as being overly sensitive to heat, having memory problems, feeling weak in your legs and arms, or having blurry vision, it’s time to consult the best Neurologist in Udaipur – Dr Tarun Mathur. Numerous people have received the most effective treatment from Dr. Tarun Mathur, as he is a well-known neuro physician in Udaipur. 

Dr. Tarun Mathur has completed his MBBS, MD in medicine, DM in neurology, and International clinical Fellowship in Neuroradiology. During his journey, he has treated patients with migraines, headaches, epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord disease, and many more.

Book an appointment with the leading Neuro Physician in Udaipur – Dr. Tarun Mathur