Winters are on the edge and the problems of stroke are increasing gradually. Protecting yourself in winter is wisely said as people are more prone to diseases. Every year more than 800,000 people suffer a stroke, especially in winter.

Studies have found that cold weather increases the risk of stroke. As a result of cold weather, blood vessels constrict and blood pressure rises, which is a major risk factor for stroke.

Even in winter blood tends to get thickened and stickier which makes it easier to clot. Many stroke cases are due to blood clotting that blocks a blood vessel to the brain. With more studies, researchers have discovered a pattern of stroke rates that is higher in winter months, and lower in summer with a temporary spike in July month.

Seasonal Stroke

According to studies that have been done on countries with diverse seasons such as Finland, Australia, the United States, Germany, Taiwan, China, and Iran. It was reported that strokes happen more often in colder seasons than in warmer months. This risk of stroke occurs because thickened blood causes blood clots that stop the flow of blood in a particular area of the brain.

The accumulation of blood clots in a particular area of the brain will gradually decrease the oxygen supply to the brain. It forces the heart to increase the blood flow to maintain the oxygen level for the entire body. However, a massive clot will result in a stroke. If you experience any of the following causes of strokes in winter, consult a neurologist in Udaipur.

Causes of Stroke in Winter

Causes of Brain Stroke


It is believed that most of the causes of stroke are preventable. However, it includes an increased frequency of infections, lack of sunlight, depression, an indoor lifestyle, and a lack of exercise. Even the chances of stroke due to heart problems are also boosted during the winter months, which increases the overall risk of strokes in winter.

Impact of Lifestyle and Exercise

Exercise is a great way to boost the immune system. If you are healthy and consider taking a brisk walk or running outside in moderately cold weather, it is not harmful to your health. It is even considered beneficial to your entire body.

Protecting yourself from germs or infections will also reduce the risk of having a stroke in winter. Along with this, paying extra attention to your physical activity, especially in winter will keep you healthy. However, there are other benefits of exercise to decrease stroke in winter such as lowering high blood pressure, reducing harmful cholesterol, increasing healthy cholesterol, weight loss, and many more.


Depression can lead to a serious problems. However, depression is a medical condition that has been shown to improve with proper treatment. There are many health problems that can be caused by depression such as stroke, heart attack, anxiety attack, and others.

However, depression may double the risk of having a stroke in winter. Researchers have found that persistent depression may increase stroke risk even after the symptoms of depression have subsided. So, it is wise to get a consultation from the best Neurologist in Udaipur.

Best Neurologist in Udaipur for Stroke  

The seasonal increase in stroke cases is surprising, but the good news is that you can reduce the risk of stroke by taking action. It is helpful for everyone to maintain exercise, get proper medical attention, get adequate sunlight, and other precautions to reduce the risk of stroke in winter.

For anyone who is prone to strokes, it is highly advisable to consult the best neurologist and stroke specialist in Udaipur, Dr. Tarun Mathur. Know about the Doctor. For more than 13 years, Dr. Tarun Mathur has relieved many patients of stroke, epilepsy, movement disorder, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord diseases, Parkinson’s disease, and many more.

Contact the Best Stroke Specialist from Udaipur – Dr. Tarun Mathur