Stroke is amongst the most unpleasant and life-threatening neurological disorders. This doesn’t mean that others aren’t, but this directly affects the brain and roots from nerve cells, so this is something beyond anyone’s control. Strokes are a result of choked nerves, arteries, and veins – something you cannot do anything about. But what if we tell you that there are some good and useful stroke prevention techniques, using which, you can avoid strokes and keep yourself healthy?  


Avoiding Strokes – Cautionary Steps to Follow : 

There are many stroke recovery options that you can follow in order to avoid strokes. However, if you consult a good stroke specialist, it will be more beneficial as he will be able to give you the best guidance on stroke prevention techniques to follow.


1. Exercise Frequently 

Numerous health issues, including stroke, are linked to insufficient exercise. By assisting in the reduction of other risk factors notably elevated blood pressure and obesity, exercise may help avoid stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) and American Stroke Association suggested that healthy adults engage in at least 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity three to four days a week in their most recent stroke prevention guidelines. “Moderate to vigorous intensity” suggests that your heart rate should be increased and that you should be breathing heavily.


2. Eat a Balanced Diet 

One of the biggest risk factors for stroke is high blood pressure, which can be significantly decreased by eating a nutritious diet. Blood pressure can increase due to obesity, excess salt consumption, and a low-potassium diet. The majority of the salt in the diet does not come from table salt. Pieces of bread, meats, sandwiches, soups, as well as other prepared and packaged foods, make up the majority of the salt consumed in the United States. To help avoid stroke, the American Stroke Association advises eating a diet rich in potassium-rich fruits and veggies, whole cereals, low-fat dairy products, and lower levels of saturated fat.


3. Reduce blood pressure

A critical risk factor for both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke is high blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure, in particular, rises normally with ageing. Exercise, a sodium-reduced diet, and keeping a healthy weight are just a few examples of healthy behaviors that might assist to keep blood pressure within normal limits. Numerous medications can help manage blood pressure and lower the risk of stroke.


4. Cut down on high cholesterol 

High cholesterol has been linked to an increased risk of stroke in numerous scientific investigations. Statins, which lower cholesterol, may be taken to help lower your risk of clogged arteries in addition to adopting good dietary habits that prioritize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Talk to a well-known neurologist about whether statins are good for you if you have high cholesterol. Consult the best stroke specialist in Udaipur Dr Tarun Mathur and get the best advice.

Stroke Prevention steps


  1. Control Your Heart: Some strokes brought on by blood clots are caused by atrial fibrillation (AFib), an abnormal heartbeat. Blood can clot when it pools in your heart as a result of AFib. Your brain could experience a stroke if the clot makes it there. AFib can occur for a variety of reasons, including heart failure, artery plaque buildup, excessive blood pressure, and others. Your cardiac rhythm can be restored with medication, treatment, and surgery. Consult your doctor if you have shortness of breath or heart palpitations but are unsure whether you have AFib.
  2. Do not disregard the snoring A condition called sleep apnea, which can cause you to asphyxiate hundreds of times throughout the night, maybe the cause of loud, persistent snoring. By preventing you from receiving sufficient oxygen and boosting your blood pressure, it can increase your risk of having a stroke.
  3. Take Your Medicine If you’ve previously experienced a stroke, be sure to take any medication your doctor has prescribed for you to help you avoid getting one more. Within three months of having a stroke, at least 25% of patients discontinue taking one or more medications. That is particularly risky because that is the time when you are most likely to experience another one.


One must learn all the steps of stroke prevention techniques as it becomes more common in winters. Check why risk of stroke increases in Winters,  in detail through this blog.

Some disorders and diseases are not expected. No one sees them coming. But in some cases, you may experience early symptoms. If you feel that you or any nearby person is displaying the symptoms that can cause a stroke, you must recommend these stroke prevention techniques, using which can prevent the onset of this catastrophic disorder. Also, to bless them with a guiding angel, you can refer them to the best stroke specialist in Udaipur, Dr. Tarun Mathur. Book an appointment with us today. Remember, a stroke is something that can take lives, and a good recommendation, in this case, can save lives!