Since the birth of humankind, following the processes of evolution, it has been proven scientifically that all human activities root in the human brain. However, it is needless to say that the human brain is the most crucial part of the body. Biologically and anatomically, all the functions that a human is able to perform are through their brain. But sometimes, our brain suffers some performance malfunction too. Brain malfunction is as normal as any other body part. One such malfunction is STROKE. You might have learned about the stroke here

In this article, we will probe a bit deeper into this sensitive topic and try to understand how and when the brain suffers a stroke. Also, we will learn about the best stroke rehabilitation method and the best stroke specialist in Udaipur who can help you with the treatment. 

What is a Stroke and What Initiates a Stroke?

Before we dive into the depths of stroke, let us first start with the basics. The basic concern is not many people know what exactly is a brain stroke or how does it even start? Does it have a trigger?

Stroke – A Nerve blockage 

A stroke happens when your brain’s blood supply is cut off by blood clots or ruptured blood vessels. More than 795,000 Americans experience a stroke each year. A past stroke affects around 1 in 4 people who have a stroke today.

Significant verbal, cognitive, motor, and perceptive skill impairments can result from strokes. This is why it’s regarded as a major contributor to severe long-term impairment. Recovery from a stroke can be a drawn-out process that calls for endurance, perseverance, and dedication. It takes years to recover. 

Stroke Triggers

A constricted vein (ischemic stroke) or a blood vessel leak or burst are the two basic causes of stroke (hemorrhagic stroke). Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs), which are brief interruptions in blood supply to the brain that don’t persist long, can occur in some persons. The main types of strokes include –

  1. Ischemic Stroke
  2. Hemorrhagic Stroke
  3. Transient Ichemic Attack

You can learn more about strokes here

How Does Your Brain Recover After a Stroke?

Once we are aware of the abnormalities that can occur when a person is susceptible to strokes, the next important topic that needs addressing is how does the treatment of stroke take place? How does a person’s brain recover from strokes?

Well, if you consult a reliable stroke rehabilitation expert, Dr. Tarun Mathur, you may get early relief from this neurological malfunction. 

Stroke Rehabilitation Process

But you can still read in brief the process of stroke recovery –

You must be well aware of the fact that not all human bodies function the same way. One man’s fracture might heal in 15 days while it takes over a month for others. Similarly, every man has a different healing process and the stroke recovery process can also differ from person to person. However, since the most complicated part of the human body is the brain, it is difficult to predict the length of stroke treatment. How your central nervous system rebounds from a stroke is not well known. There are various theories as to why brain rehabilitation works, including the following:

  1. By altering the way things the medical process is carried out, your brain could be able to recover its functionality.
  2. Some of your brain cells could become injured rather than destroyed if blood flow to the affected region of your brain was restored. These cells will eventually be able to function once more as a result.
  3. Your brain may employ another area to carry out tasks that were previously handled by the damaged region.

This is why it is mandatory to consult a reliable stroke rehabilitation expert, Dr. Tarun Mathur to get your treatment done carefully. Reliability is the first thing that should be considered in such treatments, and since he is the best neurological expert in Udaipur, questioning our reliability on him would be futile. 

Neurology is one such area of medicine that requires the utmost expertise and mastery. Only a highly qualified stroke rehabilitation expert can be trusted to cure any malfunction related to stroke. Dr. Tarun Mathur is a Stroke specialist in Udaipur and specializes in treating other neurological conditions than stroke such as headache, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord diseases, and neuromuscular disorders as well as performing diagnostic procedures like EMG and NCS for different neurological conditions. Along with treating acute strokes, he also specializes in stroke intervention. Thus, do not play with your neurological condition by letting it go easy, and book your appointment with Dr. Tarun Mathur today!