Out and inpatient treatment of all kinds of neurological disorders including headache, backpain, epilepsy, paralysis and movement disorders.

Tag: neurologist in Udaipur

Things to Perform to Prevent Stroke

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Stroke is amongst the most unpleasant and life-threatening neurological disorders. This doesn’t mean that others aren’t, but this directly affects the brain and roots from nerve cells, so this is something beyond anyone’s control. Strokes are a result of choked nerves, arteries, and veins – something you cannot do anything about. But what if we tell you that there are some good and useful stroke prevention techniques, using which, you can avoid strokes and keep yourself healthy?     Avoiding Strokes


Similarities & Differences Between Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Myasthenia Gravis (MG)

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Myasthenia Gravis and Multiple Sclerosis are two different diseases but share some similarities as they are both serious lifelong diseases. Myasthenia Gravis causes serious muscle weakness whereas Multiple Sclerosis affects nerves that communicate with the brain to control other body parts. Here in this article, you have a look at the similarities as well as the differences between Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis. Similarities Between Multiple Sclerosis & Myasthenia Gravis Both affect those under age 40. Both are more common


Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

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An autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks mistakenly your healthy cells and damages the fatty material called Myelin is known as Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Myelin protects and insulates nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. Any damage to the myelin interrupts nerve signals to other parts of the body from the brain, which affects the brain, spinal cord, and eyes. In Multiple Sclerosis, the nerves become exposed and scarred, as well as the connection between the brain and


All You Need to Know About Alzheimer’s Disease

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Alzheimer’s is a kind of dementia that affects human behavior and makes a difference in their thinking and their ability to remember. Due to Alzheimer’s disease, a person’s ability to function independently is affected. If we talk about dementia, it is caused due to brain injuries or disease or sometimes the cause is unknown. It might be diagnosed at 65 or after 65, but if it is diagnosed before 65, it is referred to as early onset. Alzheimer’s disease cannot


Different Types of Myopathies- Advance Neuro

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Types of Myopathies refer to muscle diseases. Since myopathy is not as common as other medical conditions, there is a strong chance that you have not heard of it.  You may have concerns about the diagnostic process, its various types, and what to expect regarding prognosis and treatment. You may have many questions about its different types, and what to expect regarding prognosis and treatment. Understand that according to some Neurologists most myopathies experience weakness in the shoulders, upper arms,


Consult the Best Headache Doctor in Udaipur

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What is a headache? Headache is a commonly occurring pain or discomfort around the head, face, or neck. It can last for an hour or sometimes persists for several days. A recent study suggests that 52% of people suffer from headache disorder globally every year. It is best to consult a headache doctor in Udaipur to get proper treatment. The headache could be due to swelling or tightness in blood vessels or nerves around your scalp. Sometimes, it occurs due


Are You Looking For A Neurologist In Udaipur? Here Are 5 Tips To Choose One

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For Neuro Problem: Consult The Best Neurologist in Udaipur Seek the most reliable and effective medical care available when your health is concerned. Especially, if it’s about your neurological health, consulting the best neurologist in your town is a thoughtful decision. In the case of an emergency, it is always recommended to consult a specialist. So, if you’re looking for a neurologist in Udaipur, you’ve reached the right place. Neurology is the branch of medical science involving the study of


6 Frequently Asked Questions On Neurological Disorders

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Neurological disorder are disorders that affect the brain and central nervous system of the human body. Nowadays, more people suffer from neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, migraines, and many more. However, even a minor disturbance to a neuron’s structural pathway can result in dysfunction and from many causes. The neurological disorder’s includes infection, genetics, nutrition-related causes, environmental influences, physical injuries, and lifestyle-related causes.  Well, there are many questions patients wonder whether to ask their Neurologist


Signs You Need to See a Neurologist for Your Headache

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Migraines Cluster Headaches Tension Headaches Some neurological disorders can cause headaches. So, don’t dare to take frequent headaches is a common sign. Migraines are similar to headaches, but it is worse, said the best neurologists in Udaipur. So, never ignore your headaches because they might give you long-lasting destruction. Do you feel severe throbbing pain, a pulsing sensation mostly on one side of your head, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound? Then, you


Alzheimer’s Disease – Introduction, Causes and Symptoms

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What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and degenerative condition that affects people specifically those who are older. It damages the brain cells as well as their connections to one another, resulting in atrophy and deterioration of essential mental functions such as memory. Not only is Alzheimer’s one of the more devastating diseases known to mankind (it robs families of the minds and spirits of those whom they’ve loved for so long), it is also a very bleak