Types of Myopathies refer to muscle diseases. Since myopathy is not as common as other medical conditions, there is a strong chance that you have not heard of it.  You may have concerns about the diagnostic process, its various types, and what to expect regarding prognosis and treatment. You may have many questions about its different types, and what to expect regarding prognosis and treatment. Understand that according to some Neurologists most myopathies experience weakness in the shoulders, upper arms, thighs, and pelvic muscles.  Myopathy has a variety of forms. In this guide, we will discuss what Myopathy is and its different types. Also if you are looking to consult the best Neuro specialist in Udaipur, ​​ Read on this blog to get the 5 tips on how to choose the best neurologist in Udaipur.


What is Myopathy?

Myopathies are neuromuscular disorders characterized by muscle weakness caused by muscle fiber dysfunction. Muscle cramps, stiffness, and spasms are other symptoms of myopathy. It is either inherited or acquired. People suffering from myopathy may have difficulty performing daily activities such as bathing, combing their hair, or standing up from a chair.


Types of Myopathies 


1. Inherited myopathies

Inherited myopathies are inherited from your parents, usually from an abnormal gene mutation that causes the disease. This  includes the following conditions:

 a. Myopathies congenital

Congenital myopathies typically manifest symptoms at birth or early childhood, but they may not be visible until the teen years. These are distinct from other inherited myopathies in that weakness typically affects all muscles and is not always progressive.

  b. Myopathies of the mitochondria

Mitochondrial myopathy is primarily caused by a defect in the mitochondria, the energy-producing organelles in cells. As these disorders typically impact other organ systems such as your heart, brain, and gastrointestinal tract, these conditions cause muscle weakness and other symptoms.

  c. Myopathies caused by metabolism

Metabolic myopathies are caused by mutations in genes that code for enzymes required for normal muscle function and movement. Exercise intolerance, non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis, or exertional muscle pains in your shoulders and thighs are common symptoms.

  d. Dystrophies of the muscles

Muscular dystrophies are defined by the progressive degeneration of muscle tissue caused by the presence of abnormal or insufficient structural support proteins. They all, to varying degrees, involve your arms and legs, and some involve the muscles of your eyes or face.


Myopathy Treatment By Specialist


2. Endocrine Myopathies

Hormone overproduction or underproduction causes endocrine myopathies. These conditions can occur in both children and adults and are usually treatable. The most common endocrine muscle disease is steroid myopathy. Muscle weakness and wasting are caused by steroid excess, whether caused by an adrenal gland disorder or chronic steroid administration. 

The thyroid gland produces too much thyroxine, which causes hyperthyroid myopathy. Its symptoms include muscle weakness and wasting, particularly in the shoulders and hips, and occasionally in the eyes. Hypothyroid myopathy is caused by thyroxine underproduction and causes muscle weakness in the legs and arms. Muscle enlargement is possible.


3. Inflammatory myopathies

Inflammatory myopathies are autoimmune disorders in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue by mistake. In the case of myopathies, it attacks healthy muscle fibers and causes inflammation, causing muscle damage. Polymyositis is characterized by muscle aches, cramping, and tenderness. The muscle weakness is severe and can last for weeks or months. It is frequently worse in the neck, arms, and thighs, making standing up from a sitting position difficult. Many patients also have fevers and a loss of appetite. 

DermatoMyositis (DM) is distinguished by a skin rash as well as PM muscle symptoms. The rash looks like a purple discoloration around the eyes and cheeks, but it can appear anywhere on the body. Eventually, the skin thins and becomes fragile. DM most commonly develops in children between the ages of 5 and 14.


4. Toxic myopathies

Exposure to certain medications and chemicals causes toxic myopathies. Excessive alcohol consumption can also harm skeletal muscle. The following medications and chemicals have been linked to myopathy:

  • Anesthetics (e.g., lidocaine, mepivacaine, ethyl chloride)
  • Cholesterol-lowering medicines (e.g., clofibrate, gemfibrozil, lovastatin, simvastatin, niacin)
  • Glucocorticoids (e.g., triamcinolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone)
  • Narcotics (e.g., cocaine, heroin, meperidine)
  • Other drugs (e.g., zidovudine, D-penicillamine, procainamide, chloroquine, gallamine)
  • Herbicides, insecticides, flame retardants


Knowing the types of Myopathy, one can easily get the idea of which type they fall in. To get an expert consultation on how to cure it, contact Dr. Tarun Mathur – The best Neurologist in Udaipur 

Consult – Dr. Tarun Mathur, A Neurologist in Udaipur for Advice

Because there are numerous types of myopathies, your healthcare provider must devise a treatment strategy tailored to your myopathy and its symptoms. As a result, it’s critical to adhere to your healthcare provider’s instructions strictly. Dr Tarun Mathur is a renowned Neuro Physician in Udaipur specializing in Myopathy consultation and treatment. Book an appointment with the expert today to learn more about Myopathy.