Myasthenia Gravis and Multiple Sclerosis are two different diseases but share some similarities as they are both serious lifelong diseases. Myasthenia Gravis causes serious muscle weakness whereas Multiple Sclerosis affects nerves that communicate with the brain to control other body parts.

Here in this article, you have a look at the similarities as well as the differences between Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis.

Similarities Between Multiple Sclerosis & Myasthenia Gravis

  1. Both affect those under age 40.
  2. Both are more common in women than in men.
  3. They may occur due to environmental risk factors.

Differences between Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis

  1. Multiple Sclerosis is generally a hereditary disease whereas Myasthenia Gravis is not.
  2. Multiple Sclerosis is found more in whites than in blacks, whereas Myasthenia Gravis is more common in blacks than in whites.
  3. Most Multiple Sclerosis cases are found in warm climates, whereas Myasthenia Gravis cases are found in urban areas.

1. Symptoms

Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis are related to each other as they have similar issues in your body.

​​Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis

Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis:

  1. Blurry vision
  2. Feeling exhausted
  3. Loss of balance
  4. Memory problem
  5. Walking difficulties

Symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis:

  1. Trouble in eyelids
  2. Difficulty with making facial expressions, swallowing, or speaking.
  3. Muscle weakness
  4. Feeling extremely tired.
  5. Myasthenia Gravis can also affect the respiratory system and breadth problems

2. Diagnosis

Over time Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis tend to worsen and both have temporary remission. Multiple Sclerosis may include some tests such as:

  1. Eye checkup
  2. Checkup of spinal fluid
  3. Imaging tests
  4. Screening of blood
  5. Nerve tests

Whereas tests for Myasthenia Gravis include:

  1. Nerve stimulation
  2. CT scans- These tests check the thymus gland for problems like tumors.
  3. Edrophonium tests
  4. Electro-diagnostics
  5. EMG tests called electromyograms check the electrical activity of nerves and muscles.
  6. Antibody tests- Most people have Myasthenia Gravis because of high levels of acetylcholine receptor antibodies in their blood and some people have muscle-specific kinase in their blood. Furthermore, antibodies cannot be detected below 10 percent.

3. Treatments

Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis are both incurable diseases that are treated with drugs or through physical therapy.

  1. Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis: Medications to control side effects including itching, depression, pain, and bladder problems. Furthermore, some steroids and relaxants are recommended for treating muscle spasms. There are some common treatments recommended for Multiple Sclerosis including high doses of corticosteroids that are recommended by a neurologist in case of a severe attack. Additionally, Multiple Sclerosis can affect physical strength or function, so maintaining physical fitness is essential. It can also affect your mood and memory, so a neuropsychologist and other emotional support may help control that.
  2. Treatment for Myasthenia Gravis: A drug that blocks nerve impulses and helps prevent enzymes Acetylcholinesterase is recommended. To remove the thymus gland surgery could also be recommended. Drugs like monoclonal antibodies and glucocorticoids also provide relief in Myasthenia Gravis. Monoclonal antibodies infuse biological engineered proteins as they help to suppress an overactive immune system. Thymectomy is another treatment or surgery for Myasthenia Gravis as it removes the thymus gland and removing the gland improves symptoms.

Coming so far, if you want to get into much detail about Symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of  Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis, read these detailed blog

Consult the Best Neurologist in Udaipur – Dr Tarun Mathur 

Multiple Sclerosis and Myasthenia Gravis are serious incurable diseases, occurring especially in females. Consult the best Neurologist in Udaipur if you are facing any of the above symptoms, as only a well-experienced Neuro physician can treat both these diseases and can suggest a proper cure for this. Know more about Dr. Tarun Mathur, and book a consultation with the best neuro physician in Udaipur today.  

Fix an appointment with the best Neuro specialist in Udaipur – Dr. Tarun Mathur